Amplifiers & Couplers (AC)


The AC section is working on various highly exciting high power RF systems and on all related topics, such as :

  • Operation of High Power RF stations all over the accelerator complex : think about FM station with big antennas, multiply by 1000, this is it !
  • Design and construction of Fundamental Power Couplers : beautiful objects having ceramics brazed on metal over which hundreds of kilowatts of RF are passing through!
  • Design and construction of new RF power systems : think about what will be your life in 20 years, we are building it every day!

The beauty of RF power is that it includes all kind of technologies: Radio Frequency, electricity, electronic, mechanic, fluid, vacuum, thermodynamic, … and we have to (try to) be experts in all these fields.

In order to ensure the operation of the large RF power stations, we have industrial oriented processes, and we should guaranty that the machines never stop.

In the meantime, in order to prepare the future, we must be creative, open minded, inventive, always using the new technologies, even inventing them !

We are involved in old, present and future machines that are, and will be in operation in various accelerators.

To achieve all these tasks, we are a multidisciplinary team, having RF specialists of course, and also mechanics, electricians, electro-technicians, draftspersons.

We have young members as well as experienced, all sharing the best together.